Bottled Poetry

Thursday, 30 May 2013

I copied the name from a friend who markets a particular brand of wine. However, I thought it was a very apt title for what my mother in law worked on few days ago. These two lovely pieces of art are about ten days old. I have already walked you guys through making your own terrarium. If you missed that episode- you can catch it here


  1. Dear Miss room therapist, love the wooden birds too! please let me know where I can find them..

    Eagerly awaiting your reply

  2. ET,
    I picked them up from a small store in Bangalore- long time ago. I think they are shut now. However, I do know birds are in fashion now- in the decor scene and are available at most stores.

  3. gorgeous pictures. how did you get the plant into the narrow neck of the bottle?

  4. Thank you Arundati. My mother in law used a thin spoon to shove the plant in and then filled it with more soil. If you try it- let me know how it goes.

  5. Hi,
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  6. Thanks, will get ib touch wit you Varun.


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