plates on the wall

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Plates! One would never associate them with anything else other than food and eating out of- however, these guys have been popular from time to time on walls as wall decor. Here are few of the walls in my home and my personal collection.

Love Letters (no, like a, B, c...not mail) ! Always such a nice way to personalize a house.

.....and these ones- straight out of a thrift store. I must have got them for under 100Rs each (Hush! I have the neighbours thinking its vintage and worth $$$$)

above pictures: si si..Sona Reddy

as for all you lovelies wondering how to hang a plate, date back to my previous post  how to hang a plate? Simple eh?! Also, remember this?


Have a lovely Sunday!
I picked a few of my other favorite plates on a wall from here, here, here, anthropologie and here

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